FinDL Tutorial

The FinDL provides all the tools needed to create an end-to-end machine learning pipeline. In this example, we demonstrate how to use FinDL’s modules to create and run a TreNet model on time series data.

For a deeper look into how FinDL works, check out our website at FinDL.

Data Loader and Data Preprocessing

We first load and preprocess our data to prepare it for machine learning.

# Load and pre-process data
dl = DataLoader(data_config)
la = LinearApproximation(, la_hparams)
data = la.process_data()

# Normalize and linearly approximate data
trends, points = preprocessing.convert_data_points(data)
data_scaler = Scaler.MultiScaler(2)
scaled_trends, scaled_points = data_scaler.fit_transform([trends, points])

split_data = preprocessing.preprocess_trends(scaled_trends, scaled_points, device, feature_cfg)

Model Selection and Configuration

Then we create our models and select PyTorch optimizers and losses to use for our model training.

# Create model
model = TreNet.TreNet(device, LSTM_params=LSTM_hparams, CNN_params=CNN_hparams, TreNet_hparams)
loss_fn = nn.MSELoss()
optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=training_config['lr'])

Training the Model and Visualizations

Finally, we train our model and plot the training and validation loss across our training epochs.

# Train model
trainer = train_models.TrainingExecutor(model=model, optim=optimizer, loss=loss_fn)
trainer.train(split_data.get("X_train"), split_data.get("y_train"), X_val=split_data.get("X_valid"), y_val=split_data.get("y_valid"))
train_loss, val_loss = trainer.losses["train"], trainer.losses["valid"]

# Visualize loss during training
loss_visuals.visualize_loss([train_loss, val_loss], visual_configs)

Full API Example

Putting together our code, we’re able to load and process time series data, create and train a model, and visualize the performance of our model during its training using FinDL.

# Load and pre-process data
dl = DataLoader(data_config)
la = LinearApproximation(, la_hparams)
data = la.process_data()

# Normalize and linearly approximate data
trends, points = preprocessing.convert_data_points(data)
data_scaler = Scaler.MultiScaler(2)
scaled_trends, scaled_points = data_scaler.fit_transform([trends, points])

split_data = preprocessing.preprocess_trends(scaled_trends, scaled_points, device, feature_cfg)

# Create model
model = TreNet.TreNet(device, LSTM_params=LSTM_hparams, CNN_params=CNN_hparams, TreNet_hparams)
loss_fn = nn.MSELoss()
optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=training_config['lr'])

# Train model
trainer = train_models.TrainingExecutor(model=model, optim=optimizer, loss=loss_fn)
trainer.train(split_data.get("X_train"), split_data.get("y_train"), X_val=split_data.get("X_valid"), y_val=split_data.get("y_valid"))
train_loss, val_loss = trainer.losses["train"], trainer.losses["valid"]

# Visualize loss during training
loss_visuals.visualize_loss([train_loss, val_loss], visual_configs)